Sunday, April 3, 2011

Play Pokemon Online Off Ipod Touch

Altea (Roquetas-Garraf)

This weekend was cited in San Pere de Ribas (Roquetes) Garraf , was played the second race of the Barcelona Open, this time the event was organized by José bttgarraf team (husband of Nuria Espinosa) Taking advantage of my in-laws live on Bellvei, we plan to spend the weekend there, so Friday after work and to make purchases and we set off to Tarragona ....

Saturday 2

Today we decided to get up early and stay with Nuria Espinosa to see the circuit, so no rest as they stood at 7:30, have breakfast and head to Roquetes just 20 minutes from the house of my in-laws we Nuria house where Joseph (her husband) was already prepared to teach the circuit riders and has just completed the last details of the circuit, Nuria answering phones, for runners who did not know how to get the circuit, come on .... that we take it very quietly, until we began to recognize ...

started rolling at 9:15 and already the day promised to be hot, well ... umm that

The circuit is initiated by a rise in road few meters has introduced us to the track, the terrain is very rocky, and what skate wheel well, crossed the road and back to the track a trail broken by stones, stone down at first impression was, but got off without problems continue for wide track where you could go faster, you turn left and a loose rock rising when you start it we put foot to the floor, making it nearly impossible to resume the march so push play

hasta arriba de nuevo continuamos por un sendero de falsa subida para volver a bajar una pista muy divertida y rápida, en la que debes tener toda la concentración y habilidad, no por la dureza si no por el terreno , al acabar el sendero pista en esta ocasión de subida, cruzas por carretera donde puedes estirar las piernas y donde se supone pondran el avituallamiento

continuas por pista de subida enlazas con otro sendero divertido donde esta el salto, para enlazar con pista bastante ancha y rapida..........

Carlos se lo piensa, je je

Yo noooo La nooo :-)
Cabreta power

arrive nearly a spectacular vantage point where you see all the sea to the horizon and back down fast and close at the end, track and close again ... let it rise a bit up fun low truth .. I think it took about 50 min to go around a circuit of 9.5 km about Nuria have to go so Carlos and I decided to go around, this time trying to make it faster ...

The sensations are good in fact even on the climbs I do a couple of series to assess feelings and are very positive .... And carried out the reconnaissance laps to go home-in-law, to leave the bike ready and rest to be 100 100 for the course ...

was calm and eager to make a great race, I like circuits trails and technical descents .. But late in the night, I get an sms in the morning I say Merçe Pacios not attend, and I have chance to be ahead, buf did not want to pressure me but I do it unconsciously ... I'm

to Domir ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Sunday 3

sounds the alarm for 6:40, Carlos tells me to stay 2 more minutes, j aja make the effort but nerves make me up and I went down to make coffee and breakfast, breakfast quietly discussing a bit the danger of the circuit, and career and especially in the first round could have many falls, caps etc. .. and there was no place to overtake, just fix us breakfast and we went Roquetas address. Arriving

had enough people and that they were 8:15, parked alongside teammates and I discussed the circuit, to say that at the beginning there was a stone down a little technique said to go see it first we do the registration, which certainly there was some delay, to discuss building with Xavier Carnicer, Mar Franco, Nuria Teys, Israel Nuñez etc etc ..

We changed and went to teach the team the first part of the circuit, making the descent, we discussed that the first round could not lose, because there was little distance between categories at the time of departure and one be lowered and the cap would result

Heat ... and we will corralinas, call us to get at the start, but that did not start, buf 20 'or 30' delay and the ambulance had not arrived, I buff it gets on my nerves, I try to focus on the run, trying to position myself right from the start and my goal was to hold conference of Nuria Espinosa and away the most from Mar and Nuria Teys ..

no warning is given out

comfortable go out and wheel well Nuria (bufff great) enter the path

First tranche

to take down the first stone where as expected the low people on foot, so low on the bike and as fast as I can, I have a small forward and Nuria Espinosa, very very quiet and not risk that was my motto, catch the sprint track and come back to take the bike and that was very difficult to upload sections, so that that force, after passing a path of ascent, this goes well I have my goal in front and I feel so comfortable, small path up and back down fast but I ask for half of the trail passes, I tell him that there is no place to facilitate the step as far as possible let him go, I insist and press right on the curve y. .............. wheel gets me out of the track pounding in the chest and leg, do not appreciate the damage and quickly get back to the race, tried to regain jobs, a rise coming up and when I'm going to sit

mierdaaaaaaaaaa if I have the saddle, was hanging , in seconds I:

(will retire is a very tough circuit and if you have three laps saddle bufff)

(vaaa are going very well and hit maybe continuous endurance)

(Wait 'till Carlos and you ask your seat)

In short, under the bike and pushed the time passes Mar and asks me explain it happened and I encourage you to continue, as time passes Carlos stops and tells me to change the saddle but was over 5 or 10 'and the pace was more than lost so I encourage you to continue ...

Arriving almost to the finish, I stand in an area where I could give Nuria Espinosa to a lollipop and he had forgotten to take (no wonder with so much stress to the organization) wait until that happens and I give a lollipop

After encouraging her ... I'm going to search for car keys that had my cousin, I tell him what happened shocked but quite full turn, until he reached the car and if I feel I am human person but I sank, rage, helplessness gripped me so much that do not stop mourn from 11:00 to 14:00, the large accumulation of tension, anger, seeing I've only done 3 races and retired in 2, see these suffering in the workouts to see results, sacrificing hours to progress and this happens to you buff is so hard to explain what I felt that even writing even come to my tears ..

know that tears do not get anything, the anger is what is left makes me feel worse, it would be a mistake to leave, so many things that come to mind, it's best to forget and start again. .

PD: Sinking and I regret not going to get anything, I know I'm strong, I know I can be ahead at any time, but for some reason fate does not want, so that partners do not trust much that when no mishaps will be on the heels ...


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